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Merlot Varietal-Style Wine Base 160L

Our Merlot Varietal-Style Wine Base produces a smooth, rich wine, medium dark in color, with notes of blackberry and currants. Each 160L drum produces 460L of finished product.

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Our Merlot Varietal-Style Wine Base produces a smooth, rich wine, medium dark in color, with notes of blackberry and currants. Each 160L drum produces 460L of finished product (613 x 750ml bottles). Products are shelf stable and pre balanced for pH and Acid. Produces superior finished wine in approximately six weeks. Aseptically packaged for quality assurance. Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) provided. Available year round. Consistent product rich in color with exceptional flavor and body.

Category        Size     Yield   Ready Time  Oak                 Body               Sweetness

Red                 160L         460L   6 Weeks         Unoaked           Medium          Dry